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Navigating the VR App

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Opening the Enviz app

  1. Check you are connect to WifFi.
  2. Click the oculus button on the right controller to bring up the menu.
  3. Using the controller, select the 9 dots to bring up the apps.
  4. Find the Enviz app and select using the trigger.

The Enviz Aapp

Once you have selected the Enviz App from the apps menu, you will see all your projects on the left of the screen.

From here you can:

  • View all project information
  • Explore in VR on your own (Walkable Tour, previously Solo Viewing)
  • Join a Guided Viewing

Walkable (Previously Solo Viewing)

This allows you to explore in VR on your own.

Instructions will appear on the controllers to guide you through their functions.

To teleport through the model, pull the trigger, a blue circle will appear and release to move to that position.

To access the Enviz menu press A on the right controller.

Here you can:

  • Change designs
  • Teleport from room to room
  • Change colour schemes where available
  • Bring up project information
  • Access a tutorial
  • Return home

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