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We are not a CGI Studio: rewriting the rules of VR creation

June 28, 2023

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At EnvisionVR we are on a mission to empower CGI Studios to easily create compelling virtual experiences with unparalleled quality that are accessible to anyone and change the way future spaces are designed, showcased, and sold. We know that virtual experiences are the best way to experience an unbuilt space and we believe they will rapidly become the as default way to showcase and sell unbuilt properties. The release of the VisionPro VR headset by Apple and its commitment to ‘spatial computing’ will only increase customers’ expectations around experiencing unbuilt spaces.

Until now VR and AR solutions have either been produced in-house by CGI studios or by dedicated VR companies with in-house modeling teams. The problem with in-house production of VR is that a high-quality, photorealistic, virtual experience took a specialist team of 3d modeling artists and a second team of app designers to create the model and the app. This is cost-prohibitive to many small studios and tends to only be sold to high-end clients due to the cost of producing these experiences. Furthermore, developers, marketers, and agents looking to have these experiences created for them are limited to a small number of studios that provide them which can necessitate working with their regular studio for their renders and another studio for their immersive experiences. VR doesn’t need to be this hard!

EnvisionVR is here to shake up the status quo and allow any CGI studio to offer VR/AR to their clients. Rather than model in-house, EnvisionVR does not do any CGI modeling and rather provides the tools and platform to transform other studios’ 3D models into Virtual Reality. By taking the technical headache out of producing and running the virtual experience app the 3D modeling artists can focus on creating beautiful spaces with amazing textures and lifelike lighting.

There are a few good reasons why CGI studios around the world are partnering with EnvisionVR.  

1. From 3ds Max to VR

There is no need for CGI studios to hire staff with specific skills or to spend time and resources training their existing teams. They simply complete their scenes in 3ds Max, review with the EnvisionVR 3ds Max plugin and send the model to EnvisionVR for conversion. In as little as a couple of weeks, they have a stunning Virtual Experience of their model accessible on mobile phones, tablets, VR headsets and the web. This efficient workflow allows CGI studios to effortlessly harness the power of VR, without the hassle of extensive upskilling or integrating new software into their businesses. This also allows them to offer VR and AR at a much lower cost to their clients, opening up this solution to a broader range of projects and budgets.

2. Stand out from the competition

Collaborating with EnvisionVR gives CGI studios a unique selling point. With VR and AR solutions in their portfolio, they can offer clients an innovative and immersive experience that sets them apart from competitors.

3. Win more work on the same job

Another significant advantage of partnering with EnvisionVR is the potential to win more work from the same project. By incorporating VR/AR solutions into their offerings, CGI studios provide additional value to their clients. This added value often leads to increased project scope, with clients recognising the benefits of immersive experiences and expanding the budget to incorporate more VR/AR elements. On average, EnvisionVR’s partners have gained an additional $17,000US worth of work on the same project, demonstrating the financial impact of embracing immersive technologies.

EnvisionVR empowers CGI studios worldwide to step into the realm of VR and AR without the need for extensive investments or specialized expertise. By providing seamless integration with 3ds Max and offering unique selling points, EnvisionVR enables studios to stand out from the competition and attract more clients. The potential to win additional work from the same project further solidifies EnvisionVR’s value proposition. With EnvisionVR as their partner, CGI studios can unlock new opportunities, expand their capabilities, and deliver cutting-edge VR/AR solutions to their clients.