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December 5, 2022

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When selling off-the-plan, it’s important to give potential buyers an idea of what their future view will look like. After all, stunning views can be a considerable factor in motivating buyers in their off-the-plan purchase. However, the challenge is how to do this in a well-organised, user-friendly way that also gives the best viewing experience for the buyer. To help tackle this issue, EnvisionVR launched Interactive Display which gives sales agents everything they need to showcase and sell the project including the ability to showcase viewlines and viewshots from every level.

In the past, developers and sales agents have relied on showcasing panoramic images of the views in their printed showroom material to give buyers an idea of what their particular outlook will look like. The nature of this collateral can make it difficult to easily navigate to the appropriate view and furthermore, can be quickly outdated.

Interactive Display allows developers and sales agents the ability to showcase the views from every level with a simple click. By simply selecting viewshots, all the available images will appear enabling easy comparison of different heights and orientations. These can be viewed on a tablet or cast to any smart TV for a full-screen experience.

Developers and sales agents have the option to either host panoramic images or 360 photospheres on Interactive Display. We recommend using photospheres from each level to give potential buyers the most life-like representation of their future view. 360 photospheres capture every single point from every possible viewing angle. Using the platform, you can look side to side, up and down to take in all the surroundings.  

The EnvisionVR platform also gives developers and agents the ability to share the entire project or specific units and levels with their buyers to take home on their own devices. As we move further into the digital age, there is an increased expectation to provide a more immersive post-showroom experience. Rather than taking home a piece of paper or brochure, potential buyers have the freedom to continue to explore the views from all angles in the comfort of their own home and further cement their buying decision.  

Showcasing views can make a huge impact on marketing a project and Interactive Display’s cutting-edge technology allows you to do just that. Not only does it give you the flexibility you need to host the views that best highlight your project, but it gives potential buyers certainty in their purchase decision.