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Virtual Experiences Just Got Better: Introducing Scheme changes, Upgrades and Tagging

March 9, 2023

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Virtual Experiences are the perfect way of giving your buyers certainty in off-the-plan and pre-build property, and they just got even better. Our latest features; scheme changes, upgrades and tagging allow you customise the experience for your buyers and showcase different options with the click of a button. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at these features.

Scheme Changes

Why style your experience in one scheme when you can have two! You can now switch back and forth between different colour schemes whilst in the Virtual Experience. Not only is this feature fun to experience, you can appeal to different buyer’s preferences and different demographics within the one experience. Whether they prefer a bold, modern scheme or a more neutral scheme, providing multiple options allows you to cater to a wider range of buyers.

Customising the Virtual Experience to your buyers also allows them to begin envisioning their lifestyle in the space. By providing a personalized experience for each buyer, you are able to build trust and confidence in their purchase decision.


We know that visualising what different materials and appliances will look like in a space can be hard. In additional to scheme changes, Virtual Experiences now feature the ability to swap different materials and finishes. Buyers no longer need to imagine what a 40mm bench top looks like in comparison to 20mm, just toggle back and forth and they can see exactly what their investment will look like.


Our final feature that upgrades your Virtual Experience is tagging. This allows you to display additional information linked to your project including product information, photos and videos. This powerful feature, particularly when sending the experience home with your buyers. They can continue to explore and navigate through the design in their own time and you can have confidence they have access to all the information and features of your project.

Ready to elevate your customer’s sales experience? All these features and more make Virtual Experiences for pre-build and off-the-plan property a no-brainer. Book a demo to experience them for yourself.